Automated Nginx and Fluentd Deployment on AWS EC2 using Ansible: A DevOps Guide
Table of Content Introduction Brief overview of the problem: Managing web servers and logs at scale Why AWS EC2 + Ansible + Nginx + Fluentd is a powerful combination Why This Stack Works Together Prerequisites Infrastructure Setup Create security group Security Group configuration for web traffic Verify the security group rules Create your key pair Launch EC2 instance using created security group Copy keypair to ssh directory Ansible Configuration Folder Structure Prepare workspace environment Create the host.yaml file Test ansible connection Set Up Roles Common Task Nginx Playbook Security Playbook Log Management FluentD Playbook Deployment and Testing Introduction Brief overview of the problem: Managing web servers and logs at scale In today's cloud environments, managing web servers and logs at scale presents significant challenges. DevOps teams struggle with manual server configurations, inconsistent deployments, and the overwhelming task of processing massive log data for insights and security analysis. Our automated solution combines AWS, Ansible, Nginx, and Fluentd to streamline these operations efficiently. Why AWS EC2 + Ansible + Nginx + Fluentd is a powerful combination AWS EC2 + Ansible + Nginx + Fluentd creates a robust web infrastructure by combining cloud scalability with automation and efficient logging. AWS EC2 provides the flexible compute resources, Ansible automates deployment and configuration tasks, Nginx serves as a high-performance web server, and Fluentd handles comprehensive log collection and processing. Why This Stack Works Together AWS EC2 (Infrastructure) Provides on-demand, scalable computing resources Offers multiple instance types to match workload needs Integrates seamlessly with other AWS services Enables global deployment with multiple regions Ansible (Automation) Automates server configuration and application deployment Uses simple YAML syntax for easy maintenance Requires no agents on managed servers (agentless) Ensures consistent configurations across all servers Nginx (Web Server) Delivers high-performance web serving capabilities Handles concurrent connections efficiently Provides reverse proxy and load balancing features Offers robust security features and SSL/TLS support Prerequisites Basic Knowledge of AWS & Ansible AWS CLI installation on local machine Configure AWS CLI Install Ansible Infrastructure Setup Before we proceed, with setting up infrastructure. It is best we confirm Ansible is installed on our machine and AWS CLI is well configured. ansible --version aws sts get-caller-identity Now we can go ahead with setting up infrastructure. Create security group Next step is to create the security group, copy and paste the below code in your terminal aws ec2 create-security-group \ --group-name nginx-web-server-sg \ --description "Security group for Nginx web server and SSH access" This command would create a security group and output the GroupId and SecurityGroupArn; { "GroupId": "sg-0ee2b6c700c11e902", "SecurityGroupArn": "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:910883278292:security-group/sg-0ee2b6c700c11e902" } You can login to your AWS console to confirm the creation of the Security Group Security Group configuration for web traffic Lets Add the necessary inbound rules for HTTP (80), HTTPS (443), and SSH (22): Export the Security Group ID to a variable (from the previous command output; Replace with your actual Security Group ID) export SG_ID="sg-0ee2b6c700c11e902" confirm you have exported your SG_ID echo $SG_ID Allow HTTP (port 80) aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \ --group-id $SG_ID \ --protocol tcp \ --port 80 \ --cidr The above command should output similar results (Remember your security ID is different from mine) { "Return": true, "SecurityGroupRules": [ { "SecurityGroupRuleId": "sgr-081264c3c8fe3e58c", "GroupId": "sg-0ee2b6c700c11e902", "GroupOwnerId": "910883278292", "IsEgress": false, "IpProtocol": "tcp", "FromPort": 80, "ToPort": 80, "CidrIpv4": "", "SecurityGroupRuleArn": "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:910883278292:security-group-rule/sgr-081264c3c8fe3e58c" } ] } Allow HTTPS (port 443) aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \ --group-id $SG_ID \ --protocol tcp \ --port 443 \ --cidr Command output should be similar { "Return": true, "SecurityGroupRules": [ { "SecurityGroupRuleId": "sgr-06591dee28547a3eb", "GroupId": "sg-0ee2b6c700c11e902", "GroupOwnerId": "910883278292", "IsEgress": false, "IpProtocol": "tcp", "FromPort": 443, "To
Table of Content
- Brief overview of the problem: Managing web servers and logs at scale
- Why AWS EC2 + Ansible + Nginx + Fluentd is a powerful combination
- Why This Stack Works Together
Infrastructure Setup
- Create security group
- Security Group configuration for web traffic
- Verify the security group rules
- Create your key pair
- Launch EC2 instance using created security group
- Copy keypair to ssh directory
Ansible Configuration
- Folder Structure
- Prepare workspace environment
- Create the host.yaml file
- Test ansible connection
Set Up Roles
Common Task
Nginx Playbook
Security Playbook
Log Management FluentD Playbook
Deployment and Testing
Brief overview of the problem: Managing web servers and logs at scale
In today's cloud environments, managing web servers and logs at scale presents significant challenges.
DevOps teams struggle with manual server configurations, inconsistent deployments, and the overwhelming task of processing massive log data for insights and security analysis.
Our automated solution combines AWS, Ansible, Nginx, and Fluentd to streamline these operations efficiently.
Why AWS EC2 + Ansible + Nginx + Fluentd is a powerful combination
AWS EC2 + Ansible + Nginx + Fluentd creates a robust web infrastructure by combining cloud scalability with automation and efficient logging.
AWS EC2 provides the flexible compute resources, Ansible automates deployment and configuration tasks, Nginx serves as a high-performance web server, and Fluentd handles comprehensive log collection and processing.
Why This Stack Works Together
- Provides on-demand, scalable computing resources
- Offers multiple instance types to match workload needs
- Integrates seamlessly with other AWS services
- Enables global deployment with multiple regions
- Automates server configuration and application deployment
- Uses simple YAML syntax for easy maintenance
- Requires no agents on managed servers (agentless)
- Ensures consistent configurations across all servers
- Delivers high-performance web serving capabilities
- Handles concurrent connections efficiently
- Provides reverse proxy and load balancing features
- Offers robust security features and SSL/TLS support
- Basic Knowledge of AWS & Ansible
- AWS CLI installation on local machine
- Configure AWS CLI
- Install Ansible
Infrastructure Setup
Before we proceed, with setting up infrastructure. It is best we confirm Ansible is installed on our machine and AWS CLI is well configured.
ansible --version
aws sts get-caller-identity
Now we can go ahead with setting up infrastructure.
Create security group
Next step is to create the security group, copy and paste the below code in your terminal
aws ec2 create-security-group \
--group-name nginx-web-server-sg \
--description "Security group for Nginx web server and SSH access"
This command would create a security group and output the
- GroupId
- and SecurityGroupArn;
"GroupId": "sg-0ee2b6c700c11e902",
"SecurityGroupArn": "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:910883278292:security-group/sg-0ee2b6c700c11e902"
You can login to your AWS console to confirm the creation of the Security Group
Security Group configuration for web traffic
Lets Add the necessary inbound rules for HTTP (80), HTTPS (443), and SSH (22):
- Export the Security Group ID to a variable (from the previous command output; Replace with your actual Security Group ID)
export SG_ID="sg-0ee2b6c700c11e902"
confirm you have exported your SG_ID
echo $SG_ID
- Allow HTTP (port 80)
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
--group-id $SG_ID \
--protocol tcp \
--port 80 \
The above command should output similar results (Remember your security ID is different from mine)
"Return": true,
"SecurityGroupRules": [
"SecurityGroupRuleId": "sgr-081264c3c8fe3e58c",
"GroupId": "sg-0ee2b6c700c11e902",
"GroupOwnerId": "910883278292",
"IsEgress": false,
"IpProtocol": "tcp",
"FromPort": 80,
"ToPort": 80,
"CidrIpv4": "",
"SecurityGroupRuleArn": "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:910883278292:security-group-rule/sgr-081264c3c8fe3e58c"
- Allow HTTPS (port 443)
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
--group-id $SG_ID \
--protocol tcp \
--port 443 \
Command output should be similar
"Return": true,
"SecurityGroupRules": [
"SecurityGroupRuleId": "sgr-06591dee28547a3eb",
"GroupId": "sg-0ee2b6c700c11e902",
"GroupOwnerId": "910883278292",
"IsEgress": false,
"IpProtocol": "tcp",
"FromPort": 443,
"ToPort": 443,
"CidrIpv4": "",
"SecurityGroupRuleArn": "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:910883278292:security-group-rule/sgr-06591dee28547a3eb"
- Allow SSH (port 22) - Best practice is to limit this to your IP
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \
--group-id $SG_ID \
--protocol tcp \
--port 22 \
Note: for a more secure environment, its advisable to only allow your specific IPs instead of using as the cidr block
Command output should be similar
"Return": true,
"SecurityGroupRules": [
"SecurityGroupRuleId": "sgr-06c1f6c3205247aea",
"GroupId": "sg-0ee2b6c700c11e902",
"GroupOwnerId": "910883278292",
"IsEgress": false,
"IpProtocol": "tcp",
"FromPort": 22,
"ToPort": 22,
"CidrIpv4": "",
"SecurityGroupRuleArn": "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:910883278292:security-group-rule/sgr-06c1f6c3205247aea"
Verify the security group rules
aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-ids $SG_ID
Due to the how lengthy the command outputs for the security group verification is, I wont be posting it here.
Create your key pair
This command would create your key pair, and save it on your local machine
aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name nginx-server-key --query 'KeyMaterial' --output text > nginx-server-key.pem
Confirm the created key
cat nginx-server-key.pem
Launch EC2 instance using created security group
aws ec2 run-instances \
--image-id ami-0e1bed4f06a3b463d \
--instance-type t2.micro \
--key-name nginx-server-key \
--security-group-ids $SG_ID \
--tag-specifications 'ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=nginx-fluentd-server}]'
- *Image AMI: *
: installs Ubuntu 22 - *Instance Type: * vCPUs: 1, Memory: 1 GiB
Key Pair:
: identifies as the name of the server
Copy keypair to ssh directory
cp nginx-server-key.pem ~/.ssh
SSH into EC2 instance
You need this step to confirm you can actually log into the machine.
- Change key pair permissions
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/nginx-server-key.pem
- Connect using ssh
ssh -i ~/.ssh/nginx-server-key.pem ubuntu@
Once you can log into the instance via ssh, we can move to the next section.
Ansible Configuration
Folder Structure
├── hosts.yaml
├── site.yml
└── roles/
├── common/
├── └── defaults/
│ | └── main.yml
│ └── tasks/
│ | └── main.yml
│ └── handlers/
│ └── main.yml
├── nginx/
│ └── tasks/
│ └── main.yml
├── security/
| └── defaults/
│ | └── main.yml
│ └── tasks/
│ └── main.yml
└── fluentd/
└── defaults/
| └── main.yml
└── tasks/
| └── main.yml
└── files/
| └── denylist.txt
└── templates/
└── td-agent.conf.j2
Prepare workspace environment
Open your preferred terminal or use vscode terminal, create a new folder called AWS-Nginx-Ansible-FluentD
and navigate into that folder
mkdir AWS-Nginx-Ansible-FluentD
cd AWS-Nginx-Ansible-FluentD
Create the host.yaml file
The hosts.yaml file is an Ansible inventory file that defines the target servers (hosts) Ansible will manage.
This file tells Ansible where and how to connect to the managed nodes for executing tasks or running playbooks.
touch host.yaml
add the below code
ansible_user: ubuntu
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: "{{ lookup('env', 'HOME') }}/.ssh/nginx-server-key.pem"
ansible_ssh_common_args: "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
Note: change the value of ansible_host to your created instance IP
Test ansible connection
Run the below command in the project folder terminal
ansible nginx-server -i hosts.yaml -m ping
If connection is successfull, you should see the below result
nginx-server-1 | SUCCESS => {
"ansible_facts": {
"discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3.10"
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
Set Up Roles
In Ansible, roles are a way to organize and reuse configurations by breaking them into modular, reusable components.
Each role contains specific;
- Tasks,
- Variables,
- Templates,
- Files,
- and handlers required to perform a particular function, such as installing a web server or configuring a database.
By using roles, you can structure your playbooks more efficiently, making them cleaner, more scalable, and easier to maintain
- Create site.yaml: This file is the root directory for all roles.
touch site.yaml
- Add the below snippet to the playbook
- name: Configure Web Server with Nginx and Fluentd
hosts: nginx_server
become: yes
- common
- nginx
- security
- fluentd
Common Task
Create Required directories and files
- In the root directory, create a folder called
mkdir common
- Create defaults, handler & task folders
mkdir defaults handler tasks
- Create the main files in defaults, handler & tasks
touch defaults/main.yaml handler/main.yaml tasks/main.yaml
Common Playbook
variable definition: Add the below code to
The content of the file defines settings for your Ansible tasks. In simple terms, it’s configuring paths and settings for Nginx and Fluentd, as well as setting a rule for how long logs are retained.
nginx_html_root: /var/www/html
fluentd_config_dir: /etc/td-agent
log_retention_days: 5
Handler Task List: Add the below code to
Restart Nginx: Restarts the nginx service to apply any changes or ensure it is running. Restart Fluentd: Restarts the fluentd service to reload its configuration or ensure it is operational.
- name: restart nginx
name: nginx
state: restarted
- name: restart fluentd
name: fluentd
state: restarted
Main Common Task: Add the below code to
The content of the file updates the package cache on systems using apt (like Debian or Ubuntu).
- name: Update apt cache
update_cache: yes
cache_valid_time: 3600
update_cache: yes: Refreshes the list of available packages from repositories.
cache_valid_time: 3600: Ensures the cache is valid for 3600 seconds (1 hour), skipping updates if the cache is still recent.
Nginx Playbook
- In the root directory, create a folder called
mkdir nginx
- Create nginx task folder
mkdir nginx/tasks
- Create the nginx tasks files
touch nginx/tasks/main.yaml
Nginx Task playbook: Add the below code to
- name: Install Nginx
name: nginx
state: present
- name: Create simple HTML page
content: |
Hello, World!
Hello, World!
dest: "{{ nginx_html_root }}/index.html"
mode: '0644'
notify: restart nginx
- name: Enable and start Nginx
name: nginx
state: started
enabled: yes
- name: Configure logrotate for Nginx
src: nginx-logrotate.j2
dest: /etc/logrotate.d/nginx
mode: '0644'
This is an Ansible Playbook Task List that sets up and configures Nginx with the following steps:
- Install Nginx: Ensures the Nginx package is installed on the target machine.
- Create a Simple HTML Page: Copies a basic “Hello, World!” HTML file to the Nginx web root (nginx_html_root), with proper permissions (0644). It also triggers a restart nginx handler when changes occur.
- Enable and Start Nginx: Ensures the Nginx service is running (started) and configured to start automatically on system boot (enabled).
- Configure Logrotate for Nginx: Deploys a log rotation configuration file for Nginx using a Jinja2 template (nginx-logrotate.j2), setting appropriate permissions (0644).
Security Playbook
- In the root directory, create a folder called
mkdir security
- Create security defaults & task folder
mkdir security/defaults security/tasks
- Create the security defaults & tasks files
touch security/defaults/main.yaml security/tasks/main.yaml
Security variable definition: Add the below code to
This file sets firewall rules to allow essential traffic and disables unnecessary services to enhance security.
- { rule: 'allow', port: '80', proto: 'tcp' }
- { rule: 'allow', port: '443', proto: 'tcp' }
- { rule: 'allow', port: '22', proto: 'tcp' }
- rpcbind
- cups
- avahi-daemon
Security Task playbook: Add the below code to
- name: Install UFW
name: ufw
state: present
- name: Configure UFW rules
rule: "{{ item.rule }}"
port: "{{ item.port }}"
proto: "{{ item.proto }}"
state: enabled
with_items: "{{ ufw_rules }}"
- name: Disable unnecessary services
name: "{{ item }}"
state: stopped
enabled: no
with_items: "{{ disabled_services }}"
ignore_errors: yes
These tasks install and configure a firewall for secure access while stopping and disabling unneeded services to improve security and performance.
FluentD Playbook
Fluentd is used to centralize and manage log data efficiently, enabling better monitoring, troubleshooting, and analytics for applications and systems.
- In the root directory, create a folder called
mkdir fluentd
- Create fluentd defaults, files, task & templates folder
mkdir fluentd/defaults fluentd/files fluentd/tasks fluentd/templates
- Create the fluentd defaults, files, task & templates files
touch fluentd/defaults/main.yaml fluentd/files/denylist.txt fluentd/tasks/main.yaml fluentd/templates/td-agent.conf.j2
fluentd variable definition: Add the below code to
fluentd_config_dir: "/etc/fluentd"
This variable tells Ansible (or any script using it) where to find or manage Fluentd’s configuration files, which typically include settings for log inputs, filters, and outputs.
Fluentd files: To deny a list of IP addresses, you can add them to the
Fluentd Task Playbook: Add the below code to
- name: Download and run Fluentd installation script
shell: |
curl -fsSL | sh
executable: /bin/bash
- name: Verify Fluentd installation
command: fluentd --version
register: fluentd_version
- debug:
var: fluentd_version.stdout
- name: Create Fluentd config directory
path: "{{ fluentd_config_dir }}"
state: directory
mode: '0755'
become: yes
- name: Create Fluentd config
src: td-agent.conf.j2
dest: "{{ fluentd_config_dir }}/td-agent.conf"
mode: '0644'
notify: restart fluentd
- name: Enable and start Fluentd
name: fluentd
state: started
enabled: yes
This playbook automates installing Fluentd, setting up its configuration, and ensuring the service is up and running.
Fluentd Configuration Jinja Templates: Add the below code to
# Input for Nginx access logs
# Input for Nginx error logs
# Filter to check IPs against denylist
@type grep
key remote_addr
pattern /^(?!#{File.readlines("#{ENV['FLUENT_CONFIG_DIR'] || '/etc/td-agent'}/denied_ips/denylist.txt").map(&:strip).join('|')}).*$/
# Route normal logs (non-denied IPs)
@type file
path /var/log/td-agent/nginx_access
append true
timekey 1d
timekey_use_utc true
timekey_wait 10m
@type json
# Route denied IP logs to audit file
@type copy
@type file
path /var/log/td-agent/audit/denylist_audit
append true
timekey 1d
timekey_use_utc true
timekey_wait 10m
@type json
include_time_key true
time_key timestamp
# Handle error logs
@type file
path /var/log/td-agent/nginx_error
append true
timekey 1d
timekey_use_utc true
timekey_wait 10m
@type json
This configuration collects and processes Nginx access and error logs. It checks access logs against a denylist, routes normal logs and denied IP logs to separate files, and stores error logs in a structured JSON format for easy analysis.
This setup is ideal for monitoring, auditing, and managing log data efficiently.
If you’ve made it this far, well done! Congratulations!
Deployment and Testing
Running the Playbook
Check syntax
ansible-playbook -i hosts.yaml site.yaml --syntax-check
Run playbook
ansible-playbook -i hosts.yaml site.yaml
Ansible would run through all the task listed in the site.yaml file, and run each of the playbooks sequentially.
If you face an error with TASK [security : Disable unnecessary services]
theres no need to panic, it just means, you don't have the unnecessary services to disable and you playbook, would continue to the other task
Verification Steps
Check Nginx status
ansible webservers -i hosts.yaml -m shell -a "systemctl status nginx"
or input the instance public ip on a browser, to get the Hello, World!
Check Fluentd status
ansible webservers -i hosts.yaml -m shell -a "systemctl status td-agent"
Test log processing
First make a curl request to the server
ansible nginx_server -i hosts.yaml -m shell -a "curl http://localhost"
Then check the tail of the fluentd logs
ansible nginx_server -i hosts.yaml -m shell -a "tail /var/log/fluent/fluentd.log"
This solution provides a robust, automated approach to deploying and managing web servers on AWS.
By combining Ansible's automation capabilities with AWS services, we create a scalable and maintainable infrastructure that follows DevOps best practices.