Sharing data between ViewModels in Compose

This article was inspired by this post and comments below. I wanna write about some common patterns about sharing data. for code samples I'm using Hilt and Navigation frameworks Use shared view model Description: we use a single ViewModel with several screens. It looks something tike this: SharedViewModel @HiltViewModel class SharedViewModel : ViewModel() { private val _someString = MutableStateFlow("") val someString = _someString.asStateFlow() } Screen1 @Composable fun Screen1( viewModel: SharedViewModel = hiltViewModel() ) { val someString by viewModel.someString.collectAsState() } Screen2 @Composable fun Screen1( viewModel: SharedViewModel = hiltViewModel() ) { val someString by viewModel.someString.collectAsState() } So, what can I say? I just repeat my own words from comments of started post: It's not the best approach. This way can be applied only for a small apps. When the app is becoming large, your viewmodel is becoming bigger and bigger. And one moment you can realize that the viewmodel is your data source in fact. One thing I'd like to add: but generally there are a lot of situations when should use SharedViewModel. For instance, you have two screens that work with the same data (1st - for read, 2nd - for edit), it makes sense to use SharedViewModel in this case. Navigate with arguments Description: we can pass a simple data like an argument in navigation route. It looks something like this: NavGraph object NavDestinations { const val Screen1 = "Screen1" const val Screen2 = "Screen2" } @Composable fun NavGraph(viewModel: MainViewModel, onLocaleChange: () -> Unit) { val navController = rememberNavController() NavHost(navController, NavDestinations.Screen1) { composable(NavDestinations.Screen1) { Screen1(navController) } composable("${NavDestinations.Screen2}/{id}") { backStackEntry -> val id = backStackEntry.arguments?.getString("id")!! Screen2(navController) } Screen2ViewModel @HiltViewModel class Screen2ViewModel @Inject constructor( savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle, private val getDataUseCase: GetDataUseCase ) : ViewModel() { private val id = savedStateHandle.get("id") ?: 0 val data = getDataUseCase.getDataById(id) .stateIn( scope = viewModelScope, started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(5_000), initialValue = Data() ) } Screen1 @Composable fun Screen1( navController: NavController, viewModel: Screen1ViewModel = hiltViewModel() ) { // some code Button( onClick = { navController.navigate(NavDestinations.Screen2 + "/${}") } ) { Text("Click me") } } Screen2 @Composable fun Screen2( navController: NavController, dataViewModel: Screen2ViewModel = hiltViewModel() ) { val data by // some code } More details you may see in this article, for example. It's an old approach and not actual now because we've got a stable release of Navigation library in Dec 2024. Navigate with data Ok, next we can send an object. link to docs I don't know should I copy code from Google docs or not. Okay, make a copy for collecting in one place. Serializable object @Serializable data class Profile(val name: String) NavDestination // Pass only the user ID when navigating to a new destination as argument navController.navigate(Profile(id = "user1234")) ViewModel class UserViewModel( savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle, private val userInfoRepository: UserInfoRepository ) : ViewModel() { private val profile = savedStateHandle.toRoute() // Fetch the relevant user information from the data layer, // ie. userInfoRepository, based on the passed userId argument private val userInfo: Flow = userInfoRepository.getUserInfo( // … } So, you can send "primitive" types, string, recourse reference, parcelable, serializable end enum types. link to docs One thing I'd like to add: I don't know how it works right now, but before the stable release it was a real challenge to send complex serializable object. It wasn't worth it. My advice: if you need to send something, send a small piece of data such as "id" and get information from a normal data-source. Use repository in data layer The main concept: Make a repository, inside of repository make a StateFlow with value. So, ViewModels subscribe to flow. Add a function with emit value in the repo. As a result we have a single data source and necessary amount ViewModels that don't depend on each other. Quote by Jihad Mahfouz In large apps, data shouldn't be kept in memory. For that neither viewModels nor repositories should be used, we can pass a sort of reference like an ID as an argument to the next screen, and then look u

Jan 21, 2025 - 23:48
Sharing data between ViewModels in Compose

This article was inspired by this post and comments below. I wanna write about some common patterns about sharing data.

for code samples I'm using Hilt and Navigation frameworks

Use shared view model

Description: we use a single ViewModel with several screens.

It looks something tike this:


class SharedViewModel : ViewModel() {
    private val _someString = MutableStateFlow("")
    val someString = _someString.asStateFlow()


fun Screen1(
    viewModel: SharedViewModel = hiltViewModel()
) {
    val someString by viewModel.someString.collectAsState()


fun Screen1(
    viewModel: SharedViewModel = hiltViewModel()
) {
    val someString by viewModel.someString.collectAsState()

So, what can I say? I just repeat my own words from comments of started post:

It's not the best approach. This way can be applied only for a small apps. When the app is becoming large, your viewmodel is becoming bigger and bigger. And one moment you can realize that the viewmodel is your data source in fact.

One thing I'd like to add: but generally there are a lot of situations when should use SharedViewModel. For instance, you have two screens that work with the same data (1st - for read, 2nd - for edit), it makes sense to use SharedViewModel in this case.

Navigate with arguments

Description: we can pass a simple data like an argument in navigation route.

It looks something like this:


object NavDestinations {
    const val Screen1 = "Screen1"
    const val Screen2 = "Screen2"

fun NavGraph(viewModel: MainViewModel, onLocaleChange: () -> Unit) {
    val navController = rememberNavController()
    NavHost(navController, NavDestinations.Screen1) {
        composable(NavDestinations.Screen1) {
        composable("${NavDestinations.Screen2}/{id}") { backStackEntry ->
            val id = backStackEntry.arguments?.getString("id")!!


class Screen2ViewModel @Inject constructor(
    savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
    private val getDataUseCase: GetDataUseCase
) : ViewModel() {
    private val id = savedStateHandle.get("id") ?: 0
    val data = getDataUseCase.getDataById(id)
            scope = viewModelScope,
            started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(5_000),
            initialValue = Data()


fun Screen1(
    navController: NavController,
    viewModel: Screen1ViewModel = hiltViewModel()
) {
// some code
        onClick = {
            navController.navigate(NavDestinations.Screen2 + "/${}")
    ) { Text("Click me") }


fun Screen2(
    navController: NavController,
    dataViewModel: Screen2ViewModel = hiltViewModel()
) {
    val data by
// some code

More details you may see in this article, for example.

It's an old approach and not actual now because we've got a stable release of Navigation library in Dec 2024.

Navigate with data

Ok, next we can send an object. link to docs

I don't know should I copy code from Google docs or not. Okay, make a copy for collecting in one place.

Serializable object

data class Profile(val name: String)


// Pass only the user ID when navigating to a new destination as argument
navController.navigate(Profile(id = "user1234"))


class UserViewModel(
    savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
    private val userInfoRepository: UserInfoRepository
) : ViewModel() {

    private val profile = savedStateHandle.toRoute()

    // Fetch the relevant user information from the data layer,
    // ie. userInfoRepository, based on the passed userId argument
    private val userInfo: Flow = userInfoRepository.getUserInfo(

// …


So, you can send "primitive" types, string, recourse reference, parcelable, serializable end enum types. link to docs

One thing I'd like to add: I don't know how it works right now, but before the stable release it was a real challenge to send complex serializable object. It wasn't worth it.

My advice: if you need to send something, send a small piece of data such as "id" and get information from a normal data-source.

Use repository in data layer

The main concept: Make a repository, inside of repository make a StateFlow with value. So, ViewModels subscribe to flow. Add a function with emit value in the repo. As a result we have a single data source and necessary amount ViewModels that don't depend on each other.

Quote by Jihad Mahfouz

In large apps, data shouldn't be kept in memory. For that neither viewModels nor repositories should be used, we can pass a sort of reference like an ID as an argument to the next screen, and then look up the data for it

And you're absolutely right! So special for this approach I post an example from a real project (without NDA).

Okay, we have a large data what is keep in the database. Also we have two screens, each of them has its own ViewModel, obviously. On the 1st screen we have to show some kind of data from database, on the 2nd screen we choose necessary filters (lots of them) that we need to apply to data request.

It was something like this:


class FiltersRepositoryImpl @Inject constructor(
    private val defaultDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher
) : FiltersRepository {

    private val _filterStateFlow = MutableStateFlow(Filters(cond1, cond2))

    override fun getFilterStateFlow(): StateFlow {
        return _filterStateFlow.asStateFlow()

    override suspend fun updateFilter(filters: Filters) {
        withContext(defaultDispatcher) {


class GetDataUseCaseImpl @Inject constructor(
    private val dataRepository: DataRepository,
    private val ioDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher,
// etc.
) : GetDataUseCase {

    override fun getDataListFlow(filters: Filters): Flow> {
        return dataRepository.getFilteredDataFlow(filters).map { dataDbViewList ->
   { dataDbView -> mapToModel(dataDbView) }
// some code, mapper etc.


class FiltersScreenViewModel @Inject constructor(
    private val filtersRepository: FiltersRepository
) : ViewModel() {
    var filters: Filters by mutableStateOf(Filters(cond1, cond2))

    init {
        viewModelScope.launch {
            filtersUseCase.getFilterStateFlow().collectLatest {
                filters = it

    fun applyFilters() {
        viewModelScope.launch {
// some code


class DataScreenViewModel @Inject constructor(
    private val getDataUseCase: GetDataUseCase,
    private val filtersRepository: FiltersRepository
) : ViewModel() {

    val dataListFlow: StateFlow> =
        filtersRepository.getFilterStateFlow().flatMapLatest { 
            scope = viewModelScope,
            started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(5_000),
            initialValue = emptyList()
// some code

As you see, sometimes using a repository for data exchange is justified.

So, that's all for now. Thanks for your attention :)

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